General Question

Australia is a new world visionary that amazes newcomers with its inordinate beauty. The weather in Australia encompasses the best of all seasons. It has an excellent education system and most institutes have tie-ups with businesses. Numerous people move to Australia for higher education, careers & investment. Permanent Residents in Australia have State-Sponsored free education, healthcare, and access to social welfare programs. The points-based immigration system of Australia is transparent and efficient.

Australian citizens hold one of the world’s most powerful passports in terms of travelling. Australian passport holder can enter 160 countries Visa-free, 55 countries with Visa on arrival or eVisa and 37 countries requires them to have a Visa before arrival and entering their country.
Australia offers their citizens good amount of holidays throughout the year, free healthcare, education and at the time of emergency in a foreign country, foreign affair minister is at your disposal with one phone call.
They don’t have to worry about saving a big amount of money for health and hospital emergencies or the need to save money for education, instead they can focus their savings for what makes them happy, either its traveling or other hobbies.

To apply for any Australian visa is to commence a legal process under Australian migration law. If you meet the legal requirements at each step you will be granted a visa. The visa process takes on average between 9 to 12 months to complete giving you the opportunity to organize your departure from your country and arrival in Australia.

For a Skilled Migration visa, there are 6 steps that you must complete.

Step 1: Accreditation of Studies and Work Experience

The first step is to be accredited in your occupation.

Different occupations have different accrediting bodies, usually the relevant professional association for your profession or trade. Once an accrediting body has determined that your qualifications and work experience are equivalent to Australian qualifications and work experience for your occupation, you will be issued with a letter of accreditation.

Costs and time frames
The application fee is paid directly to the accrediting body relevant to your occupation and is between AUD$450 and AUD$4000. Most accrediting bodies charge an assessment fee of around AUD$800.
It takes 2 to 3 months to receive a decision on an accreditation application.

Step 2: Evidence of English Language

As part of the visa process, all non-native speakers of English have to take an English exam.
The exam used by the Australian Government is called the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The IELTS examines 4 language skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. You must obtain a minimum of 6 out of 9 on each part of the exam to satisfy the basic requirements for the visa.

VisAustralia strongly recommends that you book your place in the test as soon as you decide to apply for the visa. We also strongly recommend that you undertake an IELTS preparation test to ensure you achieve the best possible score in the test.

The IELTS exam costs about AUD 340 per person and is paid to the IELTS administrator in your country.

Step 3: Lodge an Expression of Interest under SkillSelect and be invited to apply for a visa

On being accredited you must formally express an interest in applying for the visa through SkillSelect. You must then be invited by the Australian Government to apply for the visa.

There is no cost in applying to Skill Select.

Step 4: State Nomination Application

If you are applying for a state-nominated visa the next step in the process is to apply for the nomination of a state government. The requirements of each state government are different as are the application procedures.

Costs and time frames
State government application fees range from NIL to AUD 800.
It generally takes between 1 to 4 weeks to receive a decision on your state nomination application.

Step 5: Visa Application

The fifth step is to apply for your visa.

The visa application is made online and must include certified copies of your professional and work experience documents, certified translations, and other formal documents.

The visa application fees currently paid to the Australian Government are as follows:

o Primary visa applicant: AUD 4985
o Each additional applicant over 18 years old (if applicable): AUD 2495
o Each additional applicant under 18 years old (if applicable): AUD 1245

An additional fee of AUD 9795 (main) & AUD 4890 (secondary) is payable by an applicant over 18 years who does not speak functional English. This person is then entitled to 500 hours of “free” English classes after arriving n Australia.

Step 6: Medical Exams and Police Certificates

To enter Australia, you and your dependents must comply with strict health and character requirements.

After you make the visa application you will need to have a medical examination with a local doctor registered with the Australian Embassy. All members of the family must have the exam including in some cases those who are not migrating.

The Department of Immigration will also request you to provide a police certificate for each country where you have lived for 12 months over the last ten years. This certificate is obtained from the local police in those countries.

The medical exam costs about AUD 275 per person and is paid directly to the local doctor and radiographer.

The cost of obtaining a police certificate depends on the local police authority. In many cases, there is no cost associated with this application.

PR is a long stay Visa, while Citizenship can get you a passport of that country. Citizenship has the following benefits.
  • Seek assistance from Australian diplomatic representatives while overseas
  • Work in the public service
  • Serve in the armed forces
  • Register as Australian citizens by descent any of your children born overseas after you become an Australian citizen
  • Stand for Parliament
  • Vote to elect members of Parliament

Person of Indian Origin is a foreign citizen (except national of China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal) whose one of the parents/ grandparents/ great grandparents was born and permanent resident of India, or whose spouse is a citizen of India or PIO.

Any foreign national who was eligible to become a citizen of India on 26 Jan 1950 or was a citizen of India anytime after 26 Jan 1950 or belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15 Aug 1947, or their Minor children are eligible to be registered as Overseas citizen of India. If an applicant had ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh then he/she will not be eligible.

Check Greencard Eligibility


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MARN (1383279)
Member of MIA (6408)



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